web developer
You've stumbled upon the website of one human striving to become the greatest man his bloodline has ever seen.
2022 : Present
Warehouse Service Coordinator @ Coastal Flooring Distributors in
Edgewater, FL
Served as Vice President of Upward Trend Foundation board until
2021 : Present
Writer and Social Skills Coach @ The Art of Charm
Renovated (2) houses and (1) condo for P3 Land and Leasing, LLC
Completed 10 month Web Development Course at Lambda School (now
Bloom Institute of Technology)
Team Lead at Lambda School for two cohorts of students
Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, Python
Rideshare Driver (3000+ rides)
Writer and Social Skills Coach @ The Art of Charm
Started a meal prep business and did $8k in sales before
shutting it down
Backpacked through Central America
Sales Rep @ SolarCity ($80k in sales)
2014 : 2015
Structural Engineer @ Boeing
Structural Engineer @ Arrowhead Products (not the water bottle company)
2009 : 2013
Structural Engineer @ Northrop Grumman
2004 : 2009
Studied Aerospace Engineering @ Auburn University
1986 : 2004
Baby human
4.3B BCE : 1986
Coalescence of billions of years of life fighting to survive
Big Bang : 4.3B BCE
Star stuff
Before the Big Bang
Engineer, Web Developer, Copywriter, and Social Skills Coach
B.S. Aerospace Engineering
Strength and Honor
New Smyrna Beach, FL
Built a news blog for nerds using WordPress. Used the Kadence Pro theme with Post X to create a curated home page with various categories for nerds to browse. Produced (44) SEO-driven articles attracting 30k monthly visitors.